Intelligent Active ATM Protection vs. Passive ATM Protection

Feerica Articles, ATM Protection

The Oxford definition of the words Intelligent and Active is: “Intelligent – the ability to learn, understand and think in a logical way about things; Active – is the capability of modifying its state or characteristics automatically in response to input or feedback”. This is exactly what Feerica’s SmartStain ATM Protection technology is all about as it is constantly learning and understanding the threats that surrounds it and therefore protects accordingly. The Problem There are many different ways to attack a cash point machine. These attacks range from traditional physical attacks like cutting, grinding, drilling, ram-raids and the use of either gas or solid explosives. These types of attacks are performed with speed and accuracy with no regard for collateral damage or injury to innocent bystanders. Logical ATM attacks include the use of malware to manipulate the ATM to dispense cash unlawfully. Passive ATM protection systems are plastic bottles that house the ink inside the ATM cassette lids and they lay dormant until such time as there is a tremulous force that ruptures the bottles to release the inks on to the bank notes. Due to the unpredictable nature of explosions, passive ink bottles cannot guarantee success of 100% coverage on all the notes if …