A bank branch is a place naturally exposed to several activities involving a large circulation of money, such as values transportation, checks withdrawing , banknotes depositing, money counting, among others, which carry great risk. Bank branches are a highly attractive place for criminals, meaning it is essential to guarantee the safety of not only workers but also customers visiting branches.
Over the years, Feerica has been developing and improving solutions that respond to these problems in a reliable and effective way, by ensuring the security of all and minimizing the risks of attacks on bank branches.
Feerica develops solutions to protect not only ATMs but considers the entire ecosystem surrounding a bank branch.
To minimize the risk of robberies, kidnappings or other attempts to attack bank branches, it is essential to choose specialized equipment, such as security doors, transfer trays, deposit machines, card readers, proven to be effective guaranteeing the security of everyone.
The solutions provided to the market comply with all mandatory safety standards and minimize the number of interventions, offering a cost effective security investment to bank branches.